Whether you are a young web agency, a salesperson or a self-employed entrepreneur, know that our offshore web agency has specialized in this sector for over 15 years and providing assistance is an integral part of our business.
Where to start?
First of all, it is important that you have your own website to present your services, your know-how, and if possible a portfolio to present your work. This is where your customers will look at first to find out who they are dealing with.
The main highlight of services you wish to offer can be based on our own services since we will work together. We recommend that you adapt them according to your conditions as you are free to resell them in the way and price that you want.
A good starting point as a website for you, our WordPress Showcase Site offer is at 367 Euros.
You have a client interested in a website or a mobile application
By becoming a website reseller, you become our partner whom we appreciate a lot. Since we like you, we assign you a web project manager will be dedicated to your project throughout our partnership.
A client would like to create or redesign their website and solicit you for this process, your project manager is there to help and advise you if needed. Don’t take any risk, ask him all the necessary questions before you say anything to your client.
If you do not have a specifications, we will provide you a sample question and answer form to be completed by your client. These are important questions about the future project, dealing with the graphical aspect, the functionality needed, navigation, content etc. Once completed, our creative teams will have all the information necessary to carry out the project.
You can of course write your own specifications or provide us with the one written by your client. it will be studied by your project manager who will contact you if necessary in cases where the information is not clear.
Don’t forget that we offer a very wide range of services, for example we can make a logo and take care of writing the content if your client does not have one.
You have an order
The first thing to do will be to collect all information from the client. If he already has a logo, the content of his pages, photos, put it all together and send it to us. It is important to note that we work Offshore, remotely, and we are never in direct contact with your customers. Therfore, we are counting on you to provide us with all of these details in the best possible way; use a Word document for this. or any other for the textual content and classify the photos in advance before sending them to us.
The photos are of paramount importance, if those provided by your client are of poor quality or in too small resolution, talk to your project manager who can recommend image banks.
Our customer area
We provide you with a customer area from which you can follow all your projects, send your items, consult your quotes and invoices, and also open tickets. Access will be sent to you by your project manager who will also take the opportunity to give you a presentation.
Production of the web or mobile project
Once you have provided us with all the information and elements necessary for the creation of the project, the first step will be to create the mock-up of the website or mobile application
Creation of mock-up
Our graphic designer will use the information and examples you have provided to make proposals. These proposals will be sent to you in image format so that you can present them to your client.
If you are pleased with the proposals the first time, so much the better! However if you want changes or adjustments, talk to your project manager and we will modify them until the final validation from you and your client.
Mock-ups in image format will be proposed to you for our range of websites except for the WordPress Showcase range websites. For this range, we will make your mock-up directly online with Divi according to recommendations. Of course, here as well, we will modify it until the final validation from you and your client.
Integration and development
Once the mock-up has been validated, we will then deal with the integration and development part. For all web orders, we put the project online on a white label URL on which both you and your customers are able follow the work progression.
We count on you to connect to it regularly, to give us your opinion and your validation. Your project manager will regularly send you a progress report so that you can then inform your customers.
All contents will be formatted by our teams, each page, product, photo, video in accordance with your request.
For mobile applications, an APK format version will be delivered to you at each development phase reached.
Quality control
Quality control is one of the most important steps, it is carried out on several levels. For example, it not allows you to see if the specifications have been respected, but also highlights any detail that the integration or development teams might not have missed.
All the work is carried out by us, we do not call on freelancers or outside companies at all. We ensure that the deadline is met as well as a high quality level.
Project delivery
Once the project has been validated, we will then put it online and configure it on a Web server for a website and on the Apple and Google stores for mobile applications.
We offer hosting for the first year on one of our servers at OVH or Planethoster of your choice. This is not an obligation, but simply a gift that we offer you. You are free to host your projects wherever you want since you own it all.
For the domain name, that is also included and is offered to you. We set it for you according to your client’s name.
Installation of security and backup system
As you are aware, websites are the target for attacks by people with malicious intents or bots that try to infiltrate it by all means and then use it as a zombie for sending SPAM for example or simply for pride. Keeping this in mind, each site delivered will have a security strategy and a backup system in place no matter where it is hosted,
We draw attention to the fact that it is imperative to keep its CMS up to date as well as its plugins. If for lack of time you tend to neglect this, we recommend that you subscribe to one of our website management formulas.
Rest assured, you are entitled to a training on the use of your website. Your project manager will suggest to have an appointment with you to show in detail the operation so that you can then present your latest achievement proudly.
After sales service
Once your website is delivered, you are entitled to ASS up to 30 days after the date of online publication. We will intervene free of charge if you encouter a bug problem. It sometimes happens that a customer wishes to have something changed afterwards, here also, we can take care of it within reasonable limits of course. Don’t hesitate to talk about it with your Project Manager.
As for mobile applications, after-sales service extends up to 2 months after being put online.
Payment, how much does it cost?
You will have to pay the amount defined when placing the order. Our prices are indicated on our website. For the creation of logos and other services, these will be additional. Here as well there will be no surprise as all will be defined in the order that you place with us.
That’s all. Once the project is paid, there is nothing else to pay, no rent or whatever. There is only the hosting of your website for which you will have to pay the amount of 40 euros as from the second year and each following year if you host it with us of course.
And afterwards ?
To ensure the proper functioning of your websites and also to manage their contents, we provide you with monthly website management formulas. These will make us intervene on all of your websites, whether they are produced by us or by someone else.
You are one of our partners and we will help you with your future projects. So do not hesitate to contact us.
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