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Everything depends on you ! But it is important to know that the more you post new quality topics and unique content on your blog, the more visitors will visut your website to read and share.

There is not an optimal number of publications, it all depends on your pace and the time available. Some will write several times a week or day, others once a month or every 2 months.

You must determine the frequency that will impact your target audience, here are some important information to know before embarking on this project.


What is my target?

Before you start writing articles for your blog, you need to know your current visitors with tracking tools like Google Analytics. It is very important to understand their behavior, such as the subject of the pages they visit most often on your website, the hours they connect, the time spent on it, is it long or short content …
The more you know about your visitors and their favorite subjects, the more effective your blog will be.

How do I organize myself?

The most important thing you will need to do is establish a publication schedule. It will allow you to list the different topics that you will publish on your blog, to also assess the time required for your research and the time for writing.

When you start, it is best not to write too often. Write and analyze the behavior of your visitors, establish a routine without losing quality and then gradually increase your volume.

Will I manage to do it alone?

Good question ! Can you produce content regularly without losing quality? If the quality goes down, you risk losing your hard earned readers and that’s what you should avoid. Don’t put yourself under pressure and instead go for quality content instead of quantity. One quality item per week is better than 2 average items J

Should I outsource writing?

If you have lots of ideas but don’t have the time or the writing skills, outsourcing your writing is a great idea. You will be able to increase the frequency of your publications rather than spending all your energy on writing. Outsourcing your writing for example by Onirique Factory will also guarantee that you will have articles written while taking SEO optimization into account. The only magic formula is to keep quality, have a consistent schedule and know the topics that work best for you.

Please don’t hesitate to leave us a comment if you have any tips or remarks that you think are important.